
My work in the FOSS world. MorphOvum has some cool ideas.
You'll find me most commonly commenting on issues relating to Matrix.

Mostly some personal projects or how I self host using GitLab's built in CI/CD runners. Some archival posts from the days of yore. That's a light cone released near a black hole; notice how it intersects with itself. Now, I'm going to go on a tangent. Beware.
Imagine you set off a super powerful light bulb near a black hole. It shoots photons in all directions.
Some of the light would be sucked into the black hole, some would escape (assuming you're not within the event horizon), but some (imagine the photons that blast out at 45 degree angles from you - horizontally) get pulled almost into orbit. This is partially why sometimes some 'double stars' we see are actually just the same star's image twice due to a black hole between us.
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