Threads & Processes
Python's threading and multiprocessing modules can often serve the same purpose. However, the differences cause enough emergent profanity to warrant this post.
0. Why Thread?
The first time I really needed threads was GUI creation. With only one thread, the GUI will freeze "program is not responding"-ly for any time-consuming function. In my case, one function makes some HTTP requests that took about one second. One very noticeable second.
The solution was to use a QThread to do the requests in the background, send the data to the GUI thread when it's ready. One practical reason to thread then: When you want to do two things at once.
1. How's a Thread different to a Process?
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# original name: thread_script.py
# author: dud1337
import sys
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
class TestThread(Thread):
# Prints a message every n seconds
def __init__(self, to_print, time_interval):
self.s = to_print
self.t = time_interval
self.daemon = True # kills thread on exit
def run(self):
while True:
print self.s
threadA = TestThread('I\'m thread A!', 3)
threadB = TestThread('I\'m thread B.', 4)
print 'ctrl+C to exit'
# Preventing program from ending
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '\nSeeya!'
This script creates two threads, each printing to stdout over and over.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# original name: process_script
# author: dud1337
import sys
from multiprocessing import Process, current_process
from time import sleep
def test_function(interval):
# Prints a message every n seconds
s = 'Hi, I\'m ' + current_process().name
t = interval
while True:
print s
processA = Process(name='process A!', target=test_function, args=(3,))
processB = Process(name='process B.', target=test_function, args=(4,))
print 'ctrl+C to exit'
# To exit nicely
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '\nSeeya!'
This script creates two processes, each printing to stdout over and over. Their output looks the same:
i@pc:~$ python whichever_script.py
ctrl+C to exit
Hi, I'm process A!
Hi, I'm process B.
Hi, I'm process A!
So what's the difference? Run both scripts and then the following
i@pc~$ ps -ef | grep -E "(process|thread)_script"
UID PID PPID ... CMD # this part won't be grep'd
you 238 138 ... python thread_script.py
you 338 139 ... python process_script.py
you 339 338 ... python process_script.py
you 340 338 ... python process_script.py
So process_script.py
is 3 processes, and thread_script.py
is just 1. Why 3? The two processes + the "main" process running the sleepy while loop.
Notice the parent process id (PPID) for the last two is the second one. The two Processes in our code was created by the parent process, the main code. Now with -L
i@pc~$ ps -eLf | grep -E "(process|thread)_script"
UID PID PPID LWP ... CMD # no grepperino
you 238 138 238 ... python thread_script.py
you 238 138 239 ... python thread_script.py
you 238 138 240 ... python thread_script.py
you 338 139 338 ... python process_script.py
you 339 338 339 ... python process_script.py
you 340 338 340 ... python process_script.py
LWP (Light Weight Processes) are threads. As you can see they share the ID-space with regular processes, and their PID is still that of the primary python thread_script.py
. Also contrast the PPID, the terminal that spawned the base process, unlike for processes.
Try running kill 239
and kill 339
. The former will kill the whole threaded process, the later will just kill one of the subprocesses ("Hi, I'm process A!" will stop).
2. OK. So, how're they really different?
First off: PyInstaller with --onefile on windows does not like multiprocessing!
Source. This is a weird one, but a very annoying one. If you ever want to turn your python files into a single exe, try to use threading.
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